
In a recap of the 2023 year, it was a year of sor- rows and joy for the Ger- man American Police As- sociation. Several of our families personally experi- enced loss of loved ones, or endured medical or finan- cial difficulties. Our Associ- ation was no different with the loss of Director Robert Baikie (January); Director William Grieb (October); President Timothy Schae- fer (November); Emma Wolf, mother of Director Sharon Terry (January); and Esther Hartwig, moth- er of Sergeant-at-arms Tom Hartwig (February). Our condolences go out to their family and friends for their loss. It is up to all of us to continue in their memory and move forward for the betterment of our Associa- tion.

In September several of our members, family and friends along with repre- sentatives from the German American Police Associa- tion of Greater Milwaukee gathered at Lachet’s Inn (2119 W Irving Park Chica- go) where we had a great brunch and thirst quench- ing drinks in preparation for the annual German Day Parade. This was the first year we also had shut- tle service from the DANK Haus to Lachet’s, courtesy of Director Dave Smart and Secretary Sharon Terry, as it eliminated the long return walk to our parked vehi- cles. Special thanks also

goes to those who donated for the cost of the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police float rental, as well as to Director Gerhard Stadler and the Rheinischer Verein Fanfaren Corps for the af- ter parade music, food and beverages.

In October, we returned north to Wisconsin for the annual Cubs-Brewers game, coordinated by Di- rector Tom Moritz and his wife Dotty. President Peter Graber and members of the German American Police Association of Greater Mil- waukee, welcomed us with food and refreshments be- fore we went inside Amer- ican Family Field. Our members and Cubs fan expectations were high and the sun was out at the beginning of the game, the weather changed and the Brewers won, resulting in the Nobert Holzinger Trav- eling Picklehaube Trophy remaining again, close but yet out of reach across the state line.

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